Sunday 3 April 2011

Portrait Drawing

Enjoy the video! ^^

Step 1: Draw a grid filled with 3-cm squares as shown above.
Reason: The grid lines will help you organise the positions of the facial features accurately.

Step 2: Sketch the nose first. 
*While you are sketching, keep looking back at the original sample.
*Sketch lightly
Reason: The nose, being in the middle of the face, is crucial to the overall look of the portrait. If you mess up the position of the nose, the portrait will not look right.

Step 3: Sketch the eyes and eyebrows next.
*While you are sketching, keep looking back at the original sample.
*Sketch lightly
Reason: The eyes have to fit in well with the nose for the portrait to look right.

Step 4: Sketch the lips
*While you are sketching, keep looking back at the original sample.
*Sketch lightly

Step 5: Sketch the shape/contour of the face

*While you are sketching, keep looking back at the original sample.
*Sketch lightly

Step 6: Add the ears, hair and fine wrinkles. Darken the lines only when you are sure about the portrait. Erase the grid line gently and carefully.

Pupils in Action!
Sketching the lips

Mavis focusing on her work ^^ 

Aisha sketching the contour of the face. Well done!

Amirah smiling as she looks at her neat work. Good effort!